Trek App UI Design

I’ve always wanted a hiking app that’s mix of Instagram and Yelp…so I designed one.

Innovation Center for Design Excellence Logo Competition Bronze Medal
Graphis New Talent 2022, Product Design Honorable Mention

Trek is a social media and information app for national parks to encourage people to get outside and adventure. User interface iOS design was the foundation for this project, and a light, clean design was selected to appeal to users. The app utilizes several features that improve the user’s experience, such as tags for challenges and parks. The ability to complete challenges and earn badges encourages user engagement, just as the social media sharing option does. Trek was created using Figma, and its promotional video was made in Adobe After Effects.

Want to see some of my process? I'll show you →

I also animated a promotional video for the app. Skip to the video →

Trek App Poster

Promotional Video